Ni's Acupuncture Center & Natural Wellness Clinic
Chinese Traditional Medical Association
Acupuncture / Pain Management
Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Natural and Holistic Therapies
Preventative Medicine
505 Delannoy Ave
Cocoa FL 32922
(321) 454-9259
1420 Celebration Blvd #311
Celebration FL 34747
By Appointment Only
10AM- 2PM, 4PM-6PM
(321) 323-9139
All physicians here at Ni's Acupuncture Center were trained in classical traditional chinese medicine by our teacher, Dr. Hai Sha Ni. They are trained in classical chinese theory, acupuncuture, and traditional herbology. All of our physicians are licensed in the State of Florida and board certified.
Our Physicians

My Phan AP
Monday, FridayCelebration

Zilan Hu AP
Tuesday and Friday
Cocoa Village
My Phan graduated at the University of Iowa with a Bachelors degree in Psychology. She then went on to pursue a Masters degree at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine in Chinese Medicine. She completed a Master of Auricular Medicine certification under Dr. Li Chun Huang and a comtemporary pulse diagnosis certification. She has trained at Ni's Acupuncture Center, learning traditional chinese medicine and classical medicine diagnosis. She speaks Vietnamese and English fluently. She also has many clinical experiences working in different healthcare facilities while earning her degree.
My Phan tốt nghiệp tại Đại học University of Iowa với bằng Cử nhân Tâm lý học. Sau đó, cô tiếp tục để lấy bằng thạc sĩ tại Đại học Florida College of Integrative Medicine Y học Trung Quốc. Cô đã hoàn thành bằng Thạc sĩ auricular Y học chứng nhận theo Tiến sĩ Li Chun Huang và xung comtemporary chẩn đoán chứng nhận. Cô đã được đào tạo tại Ni's Acupuncture Center, y học cổ truyền Trung Quốc và chẩn đoán y học cổ điển. Cô nói tiếng Việt Nam và tiếng Anh lưu loát. Cô cũng có nhiều kinh nghiệm làm việc trong các cơ sở y tế khác nhau .

Jonathan Lee AP
Jonathan Lee graduated from Brevard Community College with an Associates Degree in science before pursuing his Bachelors and Masters degree in oriental medicine at the Florida College of Integrative Medicine. He is a fifth generation chinese herbalist and has interned with many teachers in Taiwan. He has been trained in New Traditional Chinese Concepts by Dr Hai Sha Ni and speaks both english and chinese.
Dr. Zilan Hu 胡醫生師從倪海廈老師,是美國佛州倪海廈漢唐經方中醫院的主治醫生。倪海廈漢唐經方中醫院是倪海廈老師於1996年在美國佛羅里達州創辦。胡醫生是Golden Wellness Clinic醫療診所的創始人, 也是美國針灸和東方醫學認證委員會(NCCAOM)以及佛羅里達針灸委員會的授課老師。從2020年開始,胡醫生還擔任約翰·霍普金斯大學 (Johns Hopkins University) 新冠病毒防治課程的講師。胡醫生的座右銘是時刻做一名全心全意為人名服務的好醫生,幫助他人獲得並保持最佳的身心健康。
Dr. Zilan Hu is the founder and CEO of Golden Wellness Clinic and the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) doctor in Ni’s Acupuncture Center 美國佛州倪海廈漢唐經方中醫院. She is a licensed Acupuncture Physician (AP), nationally board certified by (USA) NCCAOM (National Certification Committee on Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine) and an instructor for both NCCAOM and Florida Board of Acupuncture.
Dr. Hu graduated with Summa Cum Laude, passed four national board examinations, obtained her TCM license in Florida and have worked as an TCM provider for many years. She also completed additional internships, especially with the internationally well-known TCM master, Dr. Hai Sha Ni 倪海廈, who founded Ni’s Acupuncture Center in 1996. During current COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Hu has continued serving her patients to meet their needs with both in-person therapies and virtual services. She has also been the COVID-19 curriculum instructor for Johns Hopkins University since 2020 to educate students in the US and internationally to help them stay safe and healthy.
Dr. Hu diagnoses each patient holistically and designs an individualized treatment plan for every patient. Her compassion and kindness always put her patients at ease. She emphasizes on promoting body’s natural healing power to restore health; thus, she is able to provide positive results for a variety of ailment.
Dr. Hu’s TCM expertise lies in pain management (back, knee, headache, etc.); reliving emotional distress (stress, anxiety, poor concentration, etc.), gynecological disorders (dysmenorrhea, amenorrhea, PMS, etc.), digestive issues (stomach pain, acid reflux, irregular bowels, etc.), poor sleep, fatigue and many more. The TCM modalities she utilizes include Chinese Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Auricular Therapy, Bio-Electric Therapy, Cupping, Moxibustion, Gua Sha, Tuina, Herbal Mud, and many more.
Dr. Hu’s lifelong passion for medicine and healthcare originated from her personal experience of being seriously ill when she was a child. She appreciates how medicine saved her life, so she desires to give back the benefits she received. She wants to dedicate her life in advocating for health equity, her patients’ rights, and to help them achieve optimal health and wellbeing, in body, spirit and mind.
Website: drzilanhu.com
Facebook: Dr.ZilanHu
Linkedin: Dr. Zilan Hu 美國胡醫生
微博: Dr. Zilan Hu 美國胡醫生
Instagram: #drzilanhu
Twitter: @drzilanhu